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favorite Women’s Imaging Center

CONTACT US at (815) 284-5700

At KSB Hospital, we understand that women have unique healthcare needs and want our patients to have access to specialized diagnostic services in a compassionate, caring, and calming environment.

Our team of imaging specialists includes radiologists with a focus in women’s imaging, experienced technologists and other healthcare professionals committed to providing exceptional care.

At the KSB Women’s Imaging Center, we offer:

3D Mammography

3D Mammography is a screening tool for breast cancer that uses x-ray imaging to detect abnormalities in your breast tissue.

Our 3D images help doctors better see the size, shape and location of an abnormality that can sometimes remain hidden in traditional 2D mammograms. Our advanced technology leaves cancer no place to hide.

Breast Ultrasound

Safe and non-invasive, a breast ultrasound is an imaging test that uses sound waves to look at the structure of your breast tissue. Your doctor may order a breast ultrasound if your breast tissue is especially dense and hard to read on a mammogram.

This type of ultrasound can also help examine benign cysts, tumors, and lesions, or specific cancers and other abnormalities.

Bone Density Testing

A bone density test is a quick, safe, and painless screening that uses x-rays to measure the calcium and mineral content in your bones.

This test can help your healthcare provider learn if you have weak bones or osteoporosis, predict your chance of breaking a bone, or track the progression of your bone density.